Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Yellowstone Supervolcano bigger than originally thought

  1. Yellowstone Supervolcano Bigger Than Thought

    Traveling the Circle of Fire

    More on the "Circle of Fire"  

    The first article, "Yellowstone Supervolcano Bigger than thought" is talking about just how big the supervolcano is. "Traveling the circle of fire is an intuitive vision I had of earthquakes going around the ring of fire in a circular motion last year. At the time I thought it was supposed to all happen within one year and I believe I asked people to pray so the Yellowstone Caldera wouldn't go off and all of you who prayed were successful. But I also said that just because the Yellowstone Caldera doesn't go off doesn't mean this tension within the earth doesn't go off somewhere else. The Haiti earthquake and the Iceland Eruptions and the Big Chile Quakes and the New Zealand Quakes and the Huge Japan Quakes (still ongoing) may also be a part of the clockwise motion that I saw around the "Ring of Fire". Though I don't sense any impending doom of the Caldera going off, I also didn't sense directly ( I had no warning at all of what happened in Japan) which was completely the opposite of the 2004 Earthquake and Tsunami that killed 250,000 people in Indonesia, Thailand, Ceylon and India. So, it is possible since I believe the ultimate cause of the Japanese quake wasn't earth based at all that I also wouldn't sense it at all if the cause of the Yellowstone Caldera quake (If it comes) I wouldn't sense either if it is coming from moon, planetary, solar or galactic causes during this present Galactic Alignment and extreme stresses upon earth.

    So, what I'm presently saying is that it is logical to me that the Caldera could go off next, and/or Alaska, Seattle, San Francisco, or on down the coast of California. However, since you have such extreme movement in Chile and now Japan it is only logical that the pacific plate is going to do something extreme on the western coast of North America (somewhere next). So this may have been what I saw around January 2010 that was coming. However, being only human and trying to translate the timing of visions can be very tricky. Also, prayers can change outcomes to protect certain people or areas. However, like I said before if you pray to protect your area or people likely some other area will be hit with that natural release of energy within the planet. I think the best outcome likely if you are praying would be to move the largest disruptions in earthquakes and tsunamis away from highly populated areas in your prayers. 

    So, if you read "Traveling the Circle of Fire" you can see that I was accurate in my intuitive predictions of Chile "Chile or Peru" and the Japan. However, I had the timing off because it is hard to translate time in an intuitive sense. However, since I was right about the order of what was coming but now when, possibly the next quakes like I said above will likely be Alaska, Seattle (Mt. Rainier or Mt. Baker or one of those and/ or on down into California. And if we have a really bad one on the Pacific Coast it is much more likely that the Yellowstone Caldera would blow and this could kill millions of people if it happened quickly like in the movie 2012. However, if it was slow moving then people could get in cars, trucks and planes and more or less most of them would have time to get out of the way. So, since Chile has gone off and Japan has gone off then maybe it is time to at least prepare emergency non-perishable food for one or more big ones in the U.S. during the next couple of years. I wish I could give you a better time and location sense. If it comes then only for sure  if a big one hits Alaska, Washington, or California. If this happens then it is very likely that the Yellowstone Caldera is next and I get that the Caldera is potentially a bigger cause of death than any other earthquake so far in the last few years depending upon how it unfolds.

    Later: I was talking to my sons best friend who has a degree in Physics. He was saying that unfortunately the type of stuff under the Yellowstone Caldera is more likely to explode like in the movie "2012" than to slowly flow out like a slow moving river. And unfortunately if he is correct about this millions of lives could therefore be snuffed out if this occurs within a few minutes. The good thing about this might be they wouldn't know what hit them so they wouldn't suffer. The bad thing about this would be that they and all that area would be gone and unusable by anyone until everything cooled down which could be days, months weeks or years. Since if this super volcano blew it might eventually flow all the way to the Gulf, Pacific Ocean or Atlantic Ocean depending upon the lay of the land(What is the downward slope towards what river or what ocean from the volcanic blowout if that occurs?)



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