Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The truth about radiation in food from KPFK

I was listening to KPFK and heard a nuclear expert say that, paraphrased, "What the Japanese government is saying is safe in regard to food has to do only with this emergency but not in reality. For what they are saying in effect is, "It is safe to eat if you want to be sure you won't get cancer from eating it continuously for about 1 year. However, after you eat this "safe" food for over 1 year many of you will begin to get cancer and leucemia and within 5 years many of you will start to either get mildly sick, extremely sick or begin to  die. However, since you won't be able to prove in any court of law that this actually was the cause of your cancer or death, our country will survive and though many of us will die over the next 10 years or more, hopefully we won't get to the place where we have to evacuate Tokyo and the rest of the country."

So, being realistic and not just being "My country even if many of us die listening to this stuff without ever being able to prove that they did this to us" is actually what the truth is. So, on an individual level, I think people have the right to choose whether they get cancer and get sick or get cancer and die. Don't you?

So realistically speaking, those who are wealthy enough already have evacuated their families to less radiated places and away from Japan. Two of the likely places would be Hawaii and the U.S. mainland. Some other places might be: South Korea, India, China, Europe, Russia etc. Unfortunately, even in the 1982 U.S. study a meltdown of a single reactor caused 50,000 deaths. If we are to believe this we might have to see how many full meltdowns occur before it all can be cemented in permanently and then multiply those meltdowns by 50,000. However, it appears we already have 3 partial meltdowns? in reactors 1, 2, and 3 and possibly 4 as well as temporary cooling pool breaches (water boiled off for a while). So, immediately we know that this situation is more complicated than Chernobyl by at least a factor of somewhere between 4 to 10 to 20 times. And this is the real problem. Because there is no simple solution to this situation likely many many more men will die trying to solve this Gordian knot of a problem. This is what makes anyone who has actually taken the time to study this problem want to throw up a lot because it is just so unacceptable and awful and gruesome from any angle you look at it.

And the only permanent or close to permanent way to reduce your cancer chance permanently might be to leave the country and not look back. Because those (for whatever reason that don't walk away) might not ever be able to. And worse than this, there children and grandchildren might never be because of staying there through all this. So, if I were Japanese like the 85 year old Geisha I was reading about in an article who said, "World War II was nothing compared to just how bad this is!"

However, for the rest of the world, for example, do you know how an art forgery of a Rembrandt or other work of painted art is found? All they have to do is test for cesium in the paint. If it is there it is a forgery. Because there IS NO paint on earth now without traces of Cesium made since the 1940s and 1950s. So this is   just made worse all over earth now by Chernobyl and Fukushima nuclear plants. When we here stories about radioactive boars today in southern Germany from Chernobyl still (and will those wild boars and some deer still be too radioactive to eat 25 years from now? I don't know the answer to that. By the way, if there is no paint on earth without traces of radioactive cesium in it, that means there is no living thing on earth without traces of radioactive cesium in it as well since the 1940s and 1950s.

What I do know is that Chernobyl and Fukushima nuclear power plants will need to have more cement put on Chernobyl for 100s or thousands of years ongoing to protect the life left alive here on earth. For example, the cement at Chernobyl only after 25 years is slowly collapsing even as we speak. So another layer or container will have to be built and covered with cement within a couple of years right now. But reactor number 3 at Fukushima will need to keep being cemented regularly for over 100,000 years. The reason for this is that reactor number 3 has plutonium which has a half life of 24,100 years. But this in reality means every particle of plutonium outside of a containment field can kills hundreds of thousands of different lifeforms(each single particle can kill life  over and over again) from microbes to bugs, to birds, to animals to fish to sharks, to whales, dolphins, you name it (people) etc. So, plutonium is literally "The Gift that keeps on killing" for over 100,000 years or more. And if there is no one left to cement Fukushima number 3 reactor in 100,000 years from now, it is possible that the radioactive plutonium from reactor number 3 by itself could extinct all life remaining then on earth 100,000 years from now.

If you never understood just how serious this is long term, maybe you do now.

Also, once again you cannot contain the 7.5 million times normal cesium in the ocean to that area (Fukushima

If you don't believe me study the migrations of different species of predator fish and sharks and porpoises etc. including killer whales who sometimes eat porpoises even though they prefer sea lions. Great White Sharks prefer sea lions and seals as well.

So, even though it is not probable it is possible that a predator fish caught even in the Atlantic Ocean or Mediterranean Ocean will be too highly radiated to safely eat. So, if you want to be sure your catch is safe to eat (either professional or sport fishing) get out your Geiger counters.

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