Monday, April 4, 2011

Cellphone calls alter brain activity
Drugs alter the brain's activity as well. I wonder whether cellphone use could be viewed sort of like having a beer or taking an aspirin or ibuprofen? Any time you alter the brains normal activity through drugs or whatever, one needs to think about what the short term and long term consequences are of this. Does this change in neuronal activity act as a precursor to genetic change? And if so is this genetic change from causing the brain to act in unusual ways make us stronger or not or more intelligent or not? What is the short and long term effect from using a cellphone near the head?

For this reason, I usually choose not to ever put a cell phone ever to my head unless there simply is no other choice. Usually I only use it on speakerphone or with ear wires with a built in mike so I can better drive and talk hands free.

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