Saturday, April 30, 2011

Interesting Gravitic Influences on Earth

Six Planets Now Aligned in the Dawn Sky

Gravity is a funny thing and all suns, stars and planets have gravity (as far as we know). So when they all join together in relatively the same place in relation to earth, and then I suppose if the moon also was lined up with them one could sometimes expect things to happen like the earthquake in Japan and others depending upon how this gravity in one basic place in the sky pulling in conjunction with 6 planets, the sun and the moon. So that any weaknesses in the crust here on earth might be affected as well as the tides, or volcanoes or earthquakes etc.

Another interesting thing if gravity influences helped create the Japan Earthquake(s) is that I believe Northern Japan moved about 13 feet horizontally and up to 3 to 4 feet down in some places and the timing of this drop accentuated the tsunami's effect on land. The other thing that happened is that every day now is a small fraction of a second shorter than it was before(because earth's rotation must have speed ed up a little because of the earthquake). Though the change in one day wouldn't be noticed in this change over time it likely makes a difference in its effects upon all life on earth's natural biorythmic cycles from here ongoing. So, in effect, all life forms on earth must adjust to a microsecond shorter day every day from now on until something else changes it again.

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