Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Billionaires Bankrolling the Tea Party

Frank Rich: The Billionaires Bankrolling the Tea Party

To read the New York Times article on this subject click on "Frank Rich" above.
begin quote from article:
This weekend, the scene shifted to Washington, where the avatars of oppressed white Tea Party America, Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin, were slated to “reclaim the civil rights movement” (Beck’s words) on the same spot where the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. had his dream exactly 47 years earlier.
There’s just one element missing from these snapshots of America’s ostensibly spontaneous and leaderless populist uprising: the sugar daddies who are bankrolling it, and have been doing so since well before the “death panel” warm-up acts of last summer. Three heavy hitters rule. You’ve heard of one of them, Rupert Murdoch. The other two, the brothers David and Charles Koch, are even richer,--- end quote.
In order to make sense of just which rich people are paying for the "manufactured grass roots" movement we witnessed at Beck's rally one must be savvy enough to read between the lines of the 100s of millions of dollars created by corporate wealth to actually make this happen and to focus the attention of the nation. 
"Corporate manufactured Grass roots movements" are not real grass roots movements because they are engineered to increase the wealth of the businesses and corporations that pay to manufacture the movements for their own financial benefit long term.
So, unless we change ourselves from a "Democracy in a Republic" to a "Corporation in a republic" it is important to see the real difference here.

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