Thursday, May 28, 2009

Galactic Time Guard


It might be more useful to see this as fiction than not.

Notification by media of the relationship between the Galactic Time Guard and Earth's residents, visitors and other interested parties of this galaxy and others.

The Galactic Time Guard recognizes Earth's Galactic legal right to it's two basic time lines with more coming within the next few hundred years. However, this notification is specific to the penalties for temporary deaths and temporary maiming of Galactic Time Guard operatives, whether they be United Nations sanctioned operatives of Earth or from other places and times throughout our galaxy or even others.

First of all, to be specific, only temporary deaths or temporary maiming of Galactic Time Guard operatives will be punishable by the perpetrator never having been born through time manipulation. We have found that many times this so confuses time lines that we are now using almost completely earth born operatives and allowing their home nations through the United Nations to address the problem of temporary dying and temporary maiming. Whether the Galactic Time Guard operative is from earth or not, he or she is brought back to life or restored to perfect health through a time manipulated copy of the Guardian or by preventing the death or maiming in the first place by taking the operative out of the harming time and space before any harm occurs. However, even if the operative is earth born, most of the time the perpetrator of this harm will then never have been born. The exception is made only when that perpetrator is the grandfather or grandmother or series of greats to someone important in earth's time line and the children of that person that need to be alive to reproduce has not been born yet. However, oftentimes, a genetic duplicate will be put in place of the offending ignorant person who perpetrated the harm in the first place.
All Galactic Time Guard operatives never stay dead always by this means. And all perpetrators of harm that can usefully be eliminated from Earth's time line will be.

In this way Earth's extinction and the extinction of all life upon it has been, is now and will always be prevented, at least for the next 100,000 years or so. Thank you for your attention. end quote

Author's note. Whenever I get something like this I like to write it down as it might be relevant to continuing human life on earth(or something like that). For the rest of you who don't believe in stuff like this, just enjoy it as good,fun science fiction.

2nd note: pardon the typo, I changed accomplished to prevented which was the original intention anyhow. It is my understanding that if the Galactic Time Guard exists, one of its major functions is to prevent planet killing wars and species extincting wars. Their purpose is to prevent interplanetary wars as well to alter time so when one species goes into another species territory, they go into a time when there was no civilization yet. Thousands of wars and planetary extinctions are prevented across the galaxy each year in this way.

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