Sunday, May 31, 2009

Of Stars and Black Holes on Earth

I got to thinking more about 192 lasers firing simaltaneously into the center of a house sized sphere all at once into some hydrogen and started to think about the consequences of creating a small star of hydrogen or even of a little star that turns into a black hole right in Livermore labs in the San Francisco Bay area and of what happens if the San Francisco Bay area gets sucked into a little black hole manufactured but not under control because no one yet completely understands how all this works yet.

So, even though potentially we could run everything on earth with little hydrogen powered stars, until we learn how to safely do this this little star or little black hole could be more dangerous potentially to life on earth than nuclear weapons.

Likely, we will be lucky like we have been pretty much so far in not nuking ourselves into extinction. Hopefully, we will be as lucky with little black holes, and little hydrogen stars we will create in Livermore, California soon. Also, since I live within 2 hours by car of Livermore, I hope for my families and my sake that they figure out how to do this safely too.

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