Sunday, August 15, 2010

Eat Pray Love: The Movie

When I went to the movie the average age was about 50 I would say of those watching it. To really enjoy this movie it helps to have enough life experience to understand relationships between men and women, especially among educated world travelers, and especially to understand the evolution of Women's issues and Women trying to liberate themselves from past repression of thousands of years.

So, unless you are a fairly deep person or are someone who has read the book you might not get what is actually going on and think of it as sort of a sad divorced woman traveling the world trying to find herself in today's more liberated world for women. Whereas what is actually going on is that Elizabeth Gilbert, who is the author of the book and real life person whose life this actually is is being very brave and demanding from life all that it is capable of giving her so she can give all that she is capable of giving back to life. A mature person who has traveled the world will understand this about what she is trying to do. An immature person will just think she broke her husband's heart for no reason at all and think her  selfish and sad.

So, having read the book it is an incredible advantage to actually get what is really happening in the movie which is much to deep to properly convey in a movie but possible in a book.

Elizabeth Gilbert's writing style is the bravest useful style I have ever encountered as a writer in this day and age. A heterosexual man wouldn't be capable of writing like she does yet in this century. But I see this coming within 50 to 100 years because of her wonderful example as a writer. The effectiveness of her writing style should be something all writers look at. Because without this level of honesty with oneself and others we all live pretty hollow lives in the end. So I see Elizabeth Gilbert as being on the cutting edge of future women's thinking and so it might be useful for any man to read this book if he really wants to understand women who are intelligent and educated in the western world of the U.S. , Canada or Europe or various other cultures and nations similar to these. If you plan to be friend's with, live with or marry an intelligent, educated woman, if you don't read this book you might be sorry later if you marry someone like this before she divorces you because she wasn't mature enough yet to stay with you. So, think about what I'm saying to you. After all, life is very complex and changing every moment. So, the more you understand the better prepared you will be for your future life here on earth.

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