Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Two of the most favorite techniques used by the most sophisticated spy agencies on earth are misdirection and "hiding in plain sight". These techniques allow all types of media to carry real information disguised as fiction or semi fiction when in fact often times it is the real total and entire truth just masquerading as something else.

In this way all media becomes an archive for those in the know. However, most of this information would be almost completely useless unless a person has preparatory information that one is aware of first. So, it becomes completely meaningless when it is out of context.

It is a lot like when an adult watches many cartoon movies today. If a five year old watches he laughs at fart jokes but the nuances put in for the adults make the adults laugh that one likely would have to be 12 to 15 at least to get.

So, "The Men who Stare at Goats" has levels of this in that, for example, psychic research by the Navy went underground in 1952. Psychic research or "Men that STare at Goats just went underground a little later. So, like I said, all psychic research is now hiding in plain sight. And almost all parapsychologists have been discredited by the government over the last 20 years or so. Why would world governments need to do that?

LIkewise, when I saw "Men in Black I and II" I often said to friends, " Those movies are funny but true." And friends of mine either gave me a look or said, "Your right!"

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