Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Author's Notes on the Planet Savers

The Planet Savers is potentially a new book in the "Memories" Series at:


When I stopped writing and editing "2035" and "2037" two short stories or books (you pick) I took a break and traveled some as it was skiing season so went north to Mt. Shasta and Mt. Ashland and also went south to visit my son and to help him move. After I recovered from my vacations I had a conversation with my wife after starting something on Mother's Day. She said I needed to write about new characters that are connected to Arcane and Celeste and all the rest in some way. I thought about this today and started to write in this direction. What I have so far is until the title:

The Planet Savers

So if you are interested in reading the first section I wrote on Mother's Day and the second section I wrote today click on "The Planet Savers" word button above. Please excuse any typos as it hasn't been edited much yet.

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