Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Sharing about: For Your Eyes Only

I had read "Above Top Secret" by Timothy Good from England and I think this book was originally published in England but I must say that his book and "The Day After Tomorrow" at least for what I wanted confirmation about were the best in regard to Roswell and the aftermath. Since Colonel Corso who was part of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under President Eisenhower was under General Trudeau and DIA and both were ordered to disseminate Roswell technology and told to pretend it came from the Soviet Union because it was just so alien in nature. Also, in U.S. Army Colonel Corso you have someone who took a joint oath with General Trudeau to release the truth to the American people before he died concerning Roswell. Just before he died retired Colonel Corso was asked if the intelligence community would deny what he had written. His response was "They wouldn't dare!" This basically meant that he was high enough up in the above top secret area that what he had said might be watered down but not directly denied by those in the know for a variety of reasons.

So a few weeks ago my wife was watching something or other about UFOs on the History or Discovery channel and asked me if I knew what they were talking about. I said, "Yes. I read about about this which is one of the two best books on this subject. I'll go online and order a copy for you." She said, "Okay."

So when my copy came I could see it had been a little damaged in the mail. I think it might have gone through the floods somewhere because the original wrapper was gone and it had been repackaged and re addressed with my address cut out and re-pasted on the outside.

I was worried at first that the hardback I had had was the  only one with the photocopy of a for your eyes only letter from President Truman to President Eisenhower when he came into office. But I was lucky because even though it wasn't located in the same place I finally found it on page 545 of the newer large paperback edition that I had ordered. It is in the last part of the appendix. And after the "For Your Eyes Only" letter from Truman to Eisenhower dated 18 November, 1952 comes a letter from Truman to Secretary of Defense Forrestal. 

I think most people can't really handle the full truth in regard to something like this. Because those who have actually investigated seriously know it all happened, not like all the legends say but let me quote from the letter one passage from Truman to Eisenhower that confirms it.
begin quote, "On 07 July, 1947, a secret operation was begun to assure recovery of the wreckage of this object for scientific study. During the couse of this operation, aerial reconnaissnace discovered that four small human-like beings had apparently ejected from the craft at some point before it exploded. These had fallen to earth about two miles east of the wreckage site. All four were dead and badly decomposed due to the action by predators and exposure to the elements during the approximately one week time period which had elapsed before their discovery. A special scientific team took charge of removing these bodies for study. The wreckage of the craft was removed to several different locations.- - - end quote.

So we see from just this one passage of the cover letter to President Elect Eisenhower that it all happened. This letter I believe was obtained through the Freedom of Information Act likely during the late 1980s when the Iron Curtain was falling everywhere. So, it is my belief that the only reason this letter could have been safe enough to even be released  and declassified was because of the end of the Cold War.  However, it is my understanding that attachments "A" through "H" accompanying this cover letter were not declassified. Also, many of the things the government then declassified they have now  reclassified as top secret because of 9-11 and many other events.

Some interesting thoughts I had while revisiting this photcopy of a "For Your Eyes Only" Presidential letter between Presidents (Outgoing and incoming). One of them is that the transistor though people had been trying to make it work since the 1920s didn't actually work until 6 months after the Roswell Crash. Could it be that the transistor was the first thing reverse engineered from the Roswell Crash?

Corso in his book talks about things like Kevlar, the microchip for computers and various other things that have been invented came from being reverse engineered from pieces of the Roswell crash. I think many German inventions before or during World War II came from another crash during the 1930s in Europe (probably Germany) as well.

So, I guess one question I have is: "How many hundred years in technical knowhow did these crashes propel us within a few decades?"

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