Thursday, May 20, 2010

Gambling versus real Goods and Services

To explain my premise let me give you an example:

Let's say we were all camping and everyone brought all their gear that they had worked hard at their jobs to buy and one guy didn't bring anything and then decided to play cards for food and sleeping gear and a tent to sleep in. You might say, "No" to such a person. But then if we consider people who gamble through investing in various ways worldwide as these gamblers who want to play cards and to get your sleeping bags to sleep in and your food to eat.

So, then let us imagine that the number of campers in the camp is in the thousands and then other people who didn't have gear of any kind decided to crash the campsite and to gamble for your food and sleeping bags. So by the second and third night many people are cold and hungry who have lost their sleeping bags and tents and food to these party crashers.

I propose to you that what the world has experienced in the last several years is exactly this. That the people who have worked hard for everything they own had somehow been taken advantage of by the gamblers of the world and thereby have lost their homes(tents), food(money), and often their jobs to the gamblers of the world because of financial deregulation worldwide.

All the rules and regulations that were put into effect after the Great Depression were done away with during the 1980s starting with the Reagan administration and following through into the Bush, and Clinton and Bush and now Obama Administration. And if those Great Depression era rules are not put back into place again then people's jobs, homes, money (their livelihoods) will only be pilfered again by the gamblers of the world who in the end do not care if anyone survives or not except themselves.

Note: I'm writing this so all of us can think more about the real and actual consequences of all our investments worldwide. What I'm asking of myself and all of you out there is to try to be more informed about what effect all your investments are having short and long term on other people's lives worldwide.  What has happened the past few years for the most part wasn't caused by bad people, it was caused by people who were short sighted and who were not thinking about the short and long term consequences of their actions. Everyone now has to live with the consequences of everyone's past actions. I'm writing this in the hope that more people  will be more conscientious on how they invest worldwide and of what the potential effects their investments could have worldwide. We all have to look into those haunted eyes of many of the homeless people in our own countries who once had homes they owned and jobs they loved just 2 or 3 years ago.

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