Friday, May 14, 2010

Natural Gas

BP Gulf Oil Spill Leak Plume Gusher Disaster Video
To watch one of the oil leak plume videos click "BP Gulf Oil" above.

I was watching the underwater video of the oil blowing out in the gulf and when I saw the white plume of natural gas I was concerned that it would lie on the surface and cause potential explosions. Luckily I was wrong. It is propane that does that not natural gas. natural gas is lighter than air so it goes up into the atmosphere instead. So, at least it won't blow up ships that pass by on the surface. Here is what I found.

Seven Myths

If you want to read all seven of the myths click "Seven Myths" above.

Here are three of them quoted below:

  1. Natural gas is explosive. FALSE. Natural gas doesn’t explode. It will ignite, but only when there is a source of ignition. This can occur only under two simultaneous circumstances: the gas must be present in a concentration of 5 to 15 percent relative to the air, and the gas must come in contact with an ignition source that is 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit or more.
  2. Natural gas is toxic. FALSE. Natural gas is non-toxic and cannot cause you to become sick, unless the gas is in such high concentrations that you cannot get enough oxygen to breathe.
  3. Natural gas is heavier than air. FALSE. When natural gas escapes, it rises and dissipates harmlessly into the atmosphere. Other gases, such as propane, are heavier than air, causing them to "pool" on the ground (similar to spilled gasoline). end quote.


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