Friday, August 13, 2010

Boycotts or using Economic weapons

Backlash puts Target in tough spot

Click Backlash to read how liberals are punishing Target for donating to an anti gay candidate.

This is the kind of thing you are likely going to see more worldwide. Since democratic voting in democratic nations is becoming close to useless in regard to solving people's problems you will see many more boycotts targeted at corporations, states, cities and nation states all over the world.

If nations and corporations steal away the power of democracy and the democratic vote worldwide then the people have no choice but to boycott and put out of business sometimes those who they feel aren't acting in their best interests whether those interests be left, right or center.

Another awful example of this trend is just how much Arizona has suffered economically since Los Angeles decided to boycott Arizona businesses as a protest of the new Illegal alien law. Many people in California, New Mexico, Texas, Mexico and around the world have joined this boycott and created an economic nightmare for Arizona. Also, many many long time illegal residents of Arizona have left the state to return to Mexico, Central America, or just to move to California, New Mexico or Texas where illegals are generally better treated than in Arizona. This  also has devastated Arizona's economy both by losing needed workers but also losing the spending of all their dollars into the economy and taxes of Arizona.

Whether you agree or not with the new law, Arizona has paid a terrible economic price through bad publicity, boycotts and people leaving the state and taking their dollars and earning power with them.  I'm just trying to demonstrate how devastating this new boycotting will be worldwide.

If democratic votes could somehow replace the boycotting I believe a whole lot less suffering of innocents could occur. However, in these troubling times for everyone it appears "Economic Warfare through Boycotting" we are going to see worldwide. We likely will see many people "go under" economically, psychologically and emotionally unfortunately during these very turbulent times worldwide.

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