Thursday, September 2, 2010

Always Burn Itunes to CD

Most people might think that when they buy an Itune online that they own it. This isn't really true unless you burn it to a CD because the Itunes software is set to corrupt on Any itune you buy within about a year.
So if you don't burn it to CD then you are bound to lose it within one year. Itunes software is designed to to this to prevent file sharing with people outside of your family. So, if your kid in my case buys several hundred dollars in Itunes and you haven't backed up all the tunes on CD when you buy them (or soon after) then a year later you have lost them all to (corruption) that is designed into the software on a timing basis.

My son who was a computer tech during his 20s (he is now mid 30s) that he realized this and so backed up all his Itunes songs this summer onto CD. He said it took him about a day to do this. But in the process because he is a tech he also discovered something else. He said that there is a setting once you have burned your Itunes to CD in MP4 that allows you to convert them into MP3. In an MP3 format they will not corrupt if put back into your computer in MP3 format. I don't completely understand all this but only that it is possible to put Itunes into MP3 format after they are burned in Itunes MP4 format onto a CD.

However, you look at it for those of us who aren't computer Techs like my son was trained in his 20s it is still important to at the very least burn all you child's or your Itunes onto CDs at about 10 songs or more per CD(whatever fits). Obviously, to burn only one song per CD at a time is pretty ridiculous. So, if you tend to buy online only one song at a time create some kind of schedule so within a month or two you burn 10 (more or less) of your Itunes to CD so you don't lose them within a year to programmed in corruption designed so you don't file share with people outside of your family. Buying the same song two or three times because of the corruption that will automatically happen is only going to piss you off like it has me in regard to my daughter's now multiple Ipods.

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