Friday, September 24, 2010

Building all roads going downhill

 Paul Krugman: Downhill With the G.O.P.
begin quote from Above news article:
On Thursday, House Republicans released their “Pledge to America,” supposedly outlining their policy agenda. In essence, what they say is, “Deficits are a terrible thing. Let’s make them much bigger.” end quote.

Begin quote:
The “pledge,” then, is nonsense. But isn’t that true of all political platforms? The answer is, not to anything like the same extent. Many independent analysts believe that the Obama administration’s long-run budget projections are somewhat too optimistic — but, if so, it’s a matter of technical details. Neither President Obama nor any other leading Democrat, as far as I can recall, has ever claimed that up is down, that you can sharply reduce revenue, protect all the programs voters like, and still balance the budget.end quote.

So, the Republican pledge is basically what we have been getting from the Republicans for at least 20 years or more now. More Deficit Spending which will continue to dig a hole for ALL our children and grandchildren for then next several generations to try and dig out of.

The most dangerous thing of all for me personally is the "Up is down" kind of thinking and talk. Why would anyone believe that up is down unless we are out in space where there actually is no up or down?

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