Saturday, September 18, 2010

Easy A: The Movie

When I went to see "Easy A" today with my wife and a friend I thought it might be light fare and easy watching. Though it is a comedy I found the message as pithy today as for example reading  "The Scarlett Letter" written several centuries ago now.
quote from wikipedia under the heading "scarlett letter"
The Scarlet Letter is an 1850 work of romantic fiction in a historical setting, written by Nathaniel Hawthorne 
end quote.

So, if you are going to watch this movie expect for it in some ways to knock your socks off in the message of the movie. Emma Stone will kick your butt with her part as well as make you laugh. And maybe at one point cry too, depending upon the person. I definitely would recommend this movie. But please ask your junior high or high school student not to repeat her tricks or the boys or they might get the same results or worse. Definitely fiery or potentially explosive ideas in anyone's life.

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