Sunday, April 11, 2010

2035 author's notes 4-12-10

If you were or are reading "2035" at

I sort of left you all hanging there at the end. But just so you know it isn't necessarily the end, it is just where I left off. Will I continue writing 2035? I don't know I tend to write when I have something useful or interesting or exciting to say on a given subject. In this way at least I don't get bored. However, I hoped you enjoyed or enjoy or will enjoy reading what I had to say in "2035" or "2037". Both stories are things I intuited that actually will happen. Though I might have changed the future somewhat by writing these stories the future will actually turn out better because I wrote them. And after all isn't that the whole point of why God gives us precognition of the future to begin with? That is the whole reason for life on earth as far as I can make out. The other reason he gives us precognition is to save our lives so we don't just accidentally drive off a cliff stupidly and accidentally and end our physical lives. So seeing what's coming and figuring out whether we actually want to do that or not is a big plus. Blessings to the readers.

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