Monday, June 7, 2010

Oil Undercurrents

I live in the U.S. but the world mood in regard to technology in general and oil in specific has changed I think worldwide now. When I saw the map of the oil track on the gulf current at around 135 days out with much of it moving down the western Florida Coast and then up the east coast of the United States and then moving out into the middle of the Atlantic I realized this is not just a Gulf Coast event, this is a Gulf Coast and an East Coast event. For everyone who sees this 135 day chart of where the oil is going likely won't be as interested in visiting ANY of the beaches along this track(at least this summer). Just like worry about the Iceland Volcanoes is killing European tourism this summer, likely the oil track up Florida all the way up the east coast will also harm Eastern Coastal Tourism. Though this will definitely hurt the livelihoods of many nationally, hopefully it will redirect us finally away from the use of oil from off shore rigs permanently. The ecological cost of offshore oil is thousands of times more than we pay at the pump.

When the MTV personality screamed out F--- BP three times there were only cheers in the audience. This says to me that BP likely will be boycotted worldwide now and a ways into the future.

I think my question is can BP weather this storm like Exxon did with the Valdez or are those days over?

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