Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The war between liberals and Conservatives

The following is my observation as a 61 year old male adult: First Obama got elected which freaked out the conservative wing of the Republican party. Then when Obama tried to enact healthcare the blitz went out on Fox news, Limbaugh and other conservative venues against public healthcare for the masses. Though I fully understand both the pros and cons of this issue it is a very heated one and affects everyone directly or indirectly in the U.S.

Now we are seeing the returning mortar fire from the liberals in prosecuting CIA operatives and anyone connected with the torture abuse of Terror suspects and their families.

It actually was inevitable because the sacred cow of the liberals of health care reform being attacked in this sort of crazy way by conservatives was bound to set up a full on war in issues. I've seen this kind of thing before.

What usually happens is the liberals protect their sacred cow and the conservatives also rally to protect their sacred cow and because of this is is much more likely that there will be some sort of health care legislation passed with the promise to conservatives being we won't lynch more republicans in the latest torture witch hunt and destroy more careers and reputations and legacies like Bush, Cheney and other republicans. There are many things at stake for both parties long run (20 to 50 years in legacies).

So when you start to see the big guns coming out like this you know either blood or compromise will result, (usually a little of both)

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