Sunday, August 16, 2009

The Time Traveler's Wife:The Movie

If you don't mind a wonderfully done tear jerker then you are in for a treat. The relationship between the time traveler and his wife is as sweet and and solid as relationships get. Without their devotion and dedication to each other the plot and movie could not work. Since my relationship with my present wife is like this one I cried through most of the movie in tears of both joy and pain.(I had put my mother's ashes in the ocean the day before) So this was a good excuse to both enjoy the movie and to cry.

Though my experience of time travel has different rules, still I found this movie wonderful, especially when his daughter travels time some with him.

Though after hearing that he and his wife meet when she is 6 years old alone in a field near her home I wasn't sure if they could pull this meeting off without being creepy. And they did as well as any movie could. The little girl becomes the man's best friend and eventually his wife when she is in her 20s.

In some ways we are all time travelers in the sense that we all progress forward in time until we die. And you will all see yourselves in this movie in many different ways. So, it touches everyone and is an unforgettable movie in its thought provoking style and content.

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