Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Enlightenment never ends or begins

Is there a beginning moment for any of us? Can you define your moment of beginning? One might do this theoretically but in actual experience can you define it? I remember going through an exercise with a group called Breakthrough which is a human potential movement group. In this exercise I was supposed to remember a pre present day experience before defined "normal" reality began. So I tried to reach back to an awareness before "normal" present day reality began somewhere between age 2 and 4 years of age.

I was successful and somewhat horrified to see my mother so huge like an elephant with a huge human head. I was nursing and had to be between ages 6 months and 9 months old because my mother stopped breast feeding me at age 9 months because I kept biting her nipple.

However, what was sort of horrifying for me was my complete animal response and perception of the moment. I needed this woman and breast to stay alive. So I would do almost anything this being and breast demanded of me so I wouldn't die. It wasn't love it was survival at that point. Love is a conditioned response. I wasn't there yet. I was trying to survive the moment and to get the breast to feed me. I was helpless and would do anything necessary to survive. Period.

In my perceptions then my mother's breast was as big as a kitchen is to me now.

I had reached back into an awareness that I didn't know existed and my point here is that enlightenment predated even this pre-normal experience of mine.

Also, I observed my mother go into senile dementia. But did enlightenment end there? NO. I would say it continued and does continue on into senile dementia or alzheimer's as well. Yes. It is a very different experience but still enlightenment continues.

Does enlightenment continue after death? It is my experience that it does. It takes on a slightly different form than here in the physical. I have watched the souls of everyone I have known as they passed on. Some of them had a really hard time on the other side and some have a relatively easy time. It all depended on the soul and the souls ongoing experience.

What I understand the least is how enlightenment transitions for some souls back into incarnation in another body. I can pick up what happens when a soul is conceived in a womb and all this makes sense to me. However, there is what happens between a soul living on the other side and then somehow choosing to reincarnate in some situations and how and why all that takes place that is more of a mystery to me still. I can fathom it but I don't know how many souls actually reincarnate and I meet angels all the time who might say things like, "Oh, We never incarnate. We like being angels." And it makes me think that maybe only specific souls that want to do graduate work of some kind actually incarnate as humans. So, there are aspects to all this that I'm still figuring out.

In theory I understand it all but in specific there are still many mysteries for me to explore. But in the end I can unequivocally say: "Enlightenment never ends or begins".

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