Sunday, August 30, 2009

Of Course, Mr. Cheney, it's about healthcare


Mr. Cheney says he thinks the CIA probe at justice is about politics. Of course, it's about healthcare. Liberals want public healthcare and conservatives don't want to be further demonized by research into Cheney backed CIA torture of Terrorist detainees. It's very simple. It's a liberal and conservative bloodbath in the making. Hopefully, no real blood letting will occur. Hopefully, some meaningful healthcare for the American public will result. And hopefully, the very strangeness of trying to conduct a war in Afghanistan(that we likely will lose) because Afghanistan has thrown out every foreign power since Alexander the Great(including the Soviet Soviet Union 'Russia'). And it looks like we might be next like the end to another Viet Nam type of War. By the way when Afghanistan threw out the Soviet Union it collapsed as a Communist state and turned into what is now Russia.

What will happen to the United States and the western world "The Coalition" if we get thrown out some time during the next 10 years?

So, presently the only good I presently see coming out of all this is we might get some useful long term healthcare in the United States because of all this. If not, the whole thing looks like one big waste of time as well as a potential road to long term bankruptcy for the U.S. and the free world. What do you think?

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