Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Edge: The Movie

The Edge Poster
The Edge was made in 1997 and it stars Anthony Hopkins and Alec Baldwin. My wife says she hated the movie but being a guy I loved it then and I DVRed it today and watched it again. The movie killed me again. I wasn't prepared for what it did to me. The last lines go something like this.

The reporter's say, "What happened? How did they die?"
The Billionaire Anthony Hopkins character says, "My friends all died saving me."
Though this can be taken many ways by both the audience and by the character it hit me deep subconsciously and made me think of my parents who I realized in that moment died saving me. It brought me to tears because I realized how we all die saving our friends and children and relatives if we are good people. It is a universal truth. We all die saving each other. As the tears fell down my face and onto my shirt I realized I have just lost too many people, relatives, and friends the last 10 to 20 years and I feel sort of lost by all the deaths. We are all defined by those who know us. Yes. We also define ourselves but as we lose one by one all those who knew us during our lives pieces of our identity are lost with each death. Though we can go on we become more and more anachronistic ghosts of our former selves. We go on for our relatives and our remaining friends but with each death a part of who we are dies too with them.

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