Friday, August 6, 2010

Emma Curtis Hopkins and New Age Religions

Every so often something happens in life that amazes each of us. Tonight was one of those times. Having been born (in 1948) into the Saint Germain Foundation with my parents as heads of the Los Angeles Sanctuary (church) from 1954 to 1960 I found the following that came from a conversation with a good friend very interesting.

It seems that Emma Curtis Hopkins was a Christian Science Practitioner and teacher who split with Christian Science in Chicago and who taught many of the leaders of new age religions that began with the basis of positive thinking during the Great Depression. She taught all the leaders of The Church of Religious Science, Unity, the Saint Germain Foundation, And Divine Science during the early 1900s through about 1925 when she passed away. And then some of her students founded their own religions during the 1930s.

However, the religion I was born into the "I AM" Activity or Saint Germain Foundation became more like Joseph Smith and the Latter Day Saints in that it became sort of an entirely unique and exclusive teaching in many different ways than the rest. So, there are many more similarities of Religious Science, Unity and Divine Science to Christian Science than the Saint Germain Foundation which became totally independent and unique in it's own way like Joseph Smith's teachings. However, the Saint Germain Foundation went from about 1 million Adherents in 1939 to around 100,000 or less after Mr. Ballard passed away in 1939. And because people were encouraged to be celibate this reduced the numbers even more over the years just like the Shakers. However, enough people in the "I am" had children to continue the religion worldwide into the present.

In 1959 The Church of Religious Science split and one group became called eventually the ANTN or   Associated New Thought Network which is connected with the Emerson Theological Institute

 There is also  the Association of Global New Thought(This appears to be an umbrella organization for many groups) my friend told me.   

The Saint Germain Foundation is based in Chicago and Santa Fe and Mt. Shasta in California.

I know of one Divine Science Center that my father and I visited to meditate with during the late 1970s and early 1980s in Joshua Tree. I really like their paintings and the design of their temple by
Frank Lloyd Wright.

Another interesting tidbit is that my friend is a Sanskrit scholar and he mentioned that he was inspired by Emerson of Emerson and Thoreau from U.S. History in the early 1800s. He said that Emerson like my friend who became a Sanskrit Scholar through UCLA in the 1960s was also a Sanskrit scholar and was one of the first  Americans to read the Bhagavad Gita in Sanskrit during the 1800s.

The following are word buttons for sites I found on Emma Curtis Hopkins. 

Emma Curtis Hopkins Home Page

Emma Curtis Hopkins - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Author of Metaphysical Books and Teacher of Teachers




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