Saturday, March 12, 2011

Non-Ordinary Reality

I had a very wierd experience last night. To some degree I think the whole world is experiencing Non-ordinary reality from the big 8.9 earthquake and Tsunamis traveling all over the Pacific Basin. So, in the middle of the night last night I was sleeping next to my wife. She talked to me but I was asleep. I learned to be asleep and awake simultaneously when my first child was born in 1974. (It helps keep them alive in all circumstance). However, after she spoke to me we went our separate ways. In other words I slipped into a very deep sleep and was thinking my wife was next to me. However, she got up and went to the bathroom. Since I had gotten to warm I had thrown the covers off my bare leg. So when she came back she was on the opposite side of me that I had thought she was as I drifted deeper. Then she touched my bare leg thinking I was still awake (which I had never really been). She was horrified to see goose bumps ripple from where she had touched me in both directions while I jumped about 3 feet off the bed.

Luckily, I had a course correction from realizing this was still my wife. She just wasn't where I had expected her to be so she lived through the experience and just laughed. My response was, "My God. Give me a little warning next time." Her response was, "I'm sorry. I thought you were awake."

Then just now when we discussed it and laughed I realized I was in a very deep state of consciousness or non-consciousness that was so incredibly deep that one might call it "The Void". I've found lately with all the craziness of this present insanity of the Middle East and now an 8.9 EArthquake and Tsumamis, I find myself in what I can only call a state of non-ordinary reality in regard to what is presently taking place on earth. Hopefully, the world will return to a state of being that warrants ordinary reality sometime soon.

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