Monday, April 25, 2011

Doublespeak on Iphone tracking

Have you noticed that most articles written on the Iphone tracking controversy  misrepresent the facts. It seems like most articles are full of misinformation that doesn't really address the problem. It is almost as if the government or Iphone or Android has a vested interest in confusing the people who are using the technology. People who don't understand how technology actually works might be fooled. But those of us who have a better understanding of how things actually work sort of get creeped out by all these many articles trying to pretend that tracking everyone is either okay or less of a problem that most people think. People are right to be alarmed and no amount of misrepresentation or outright lies make it right. You'd think that the people writing these kinds of programs were drug dealers or something the way they lie to their customers. It's like watching the government lie about UFOs for the last 70 years.

It basically boils down to this. People have access to where you are if you have a cellphone everywhere on earth all the time and so do governments. It's been this way (at least since 9-11). So if you have a cellphone any government on earth can find you if your phone is on. And some cellphones are set up where any government can find you even if your cellphone is off.  Second, the problem now is something else entirely. Now Iphone software keeps unencrypted data on wherever you go with your cellphone whether it is across the street or around the world. So everywhere you have ever been with your Iphone will be available to anyone who is a hacker who wants it. I personally think this is pretty dangerous. Would you want your mother, wife, girlfriend, sister or grandmother or child under 12 to be this vulnerable?

So, if you don't want people to know where you go then don't take your cellphone. That's it in a nutshell.

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