Friday, May 15, 2009

Angels and Demons: The Book

Though I have not yet seen the movie(it comes out today), my wife and I read the book together.(We also read The Da Vinci Code together as well. Dan Brown touches many of us where we live. Since my two favorite organized religions are Catholicism and Tibetan Buddhism and since my parents talked in very Masonic, Rosicrucian terms that mirror many of the ideas in the Da Vinci code, these two books have always interested me because of the subject matter. Yes. Both books are fictional but the questions they ask about many ideas are always relevant to the human condition. In a world so full of lies and distortions it is comforting that there are still idealized truth seekers willing to risk life and limb to find the absolute truth about things. I think most of us want to believe we are or could be this kind of truth seeker as well. I think worrying about what is truth and what is fictional in these movies is less important than engendering us all to be real truth seekers in every aspect of our lives. Though finding the truth might be disturbing or difficult to cope with, not having the truth eventually always proves fatal.

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