Thursday, June 17, 2010

Elohar: new Chapters 4 and 5: Girl in the Forest

Elohar: The girl in the Forest

Please click on "Elohar: The girl in the Forest" above to read my latest chapters that I'm still composing and hopefully will edit soon (or one day). Please enjoy if interested.

Chapter 4 Elohar: A different Person

Chapter 5 Solar Powered Helicopters


I added two Chapters to "Elohar the Girl in the Forest" that I have been writing lately. 


Also, whether you read Elohar: The Girl in the Forest as science fiction or think it is 50% true or 80% true or even 100% true it is fine either way. Another way to look at it is like when Francis Bacon was purported to have put 7 codes within the original Shakespearean Manuscripts. His friend, Shakespeare is reported to have published and put on his plays since as Exchequer of London he couldn't be seen writing popular plays like this at the time. So Shakespeare helped Bacon in this way and got the credit.  Bacon's book on Codes was one of the best on earth until World War II when mechanical machines and early computer codes took codes to a whole new level. So, just like many of Bacon's works what I have written might have codes within as well sent to help people of Earth in different times and timelines. Or maybe not. Well. Have fun either way.

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