Saturday, October 2, 2010

Being an Intuitive

I would say being an intuitive is like being chosen by life for a useful outcome. I would also have to say that if one is gifted it doesn't necessarily mean that life will choose to keep someone like that alive if those gifts are not used to benefit all beings.

My personal experience of being born gifted was always very terrifying until I was 15 and accepted God to come live in my body with me. It was the only way I had to stay alive. It was sort of like God said, "Unless you let me live in your body as a co-creator with you, you will have to physically die." Of course, I understood this even if I didn't like it at the time. Now I sort of see it much like when priests and nuns say they are married to God. Because in the end God is neither male nor female. God is both an neither. I kind of see it like human males and females are sort of like the split aparts in the movie "The Butcher's Wife" with Demi Moore. In other words people are one half of a whole and looking for the other half.

So, being an intuitive is less about what one chooses to do and more about what life or God chooses for the individual. It wasn't until I read that according to cultural anthropology that a tribal priest or shaman was literally, "Someone who had psychologically died but there body still lives" that I had a definition of what had happened to me and that such a person can speak with the dead as easily as the living because they had already died but that their body still lives.

Other times in life I sort of euphemistically called myself, "The Ghost who Walks" but since that kind of scared people sometimes I stopped doing that and just was whoever I was in a kindly way so people could feel comfortable around someone who God had gifted in the way he has me and others.

So, the main thing in becoming an intutive is that your gifts must be used to help people and animals and all the beings around you or else you will either lose your gifts or physically die. This is a given. So, if you are an intuitive you need to find a way to help people. This can be done in many ways. One way is to stay a secret intuitive and just pray for people you see in distress or one's you hear about. This is the easiest way. The more public of an intuitive you become the more difficult problems can arise. However, remember God is behind all this so as long as you listen to God and Angels and take them seriously you will likely always be okay.

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