Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Thousand Buddhas Empowerment

I knew I wasn't cut out karmically or otherwise in this lifetime to be a solitary monk or renunciate in this lifetime so I was very grateful to read "Autobiography of a Yogi" by Paramahanza Yogananda. So in 1973 when I embarked on becoming a father and a husband, I found the Householder Yogi path very much to my liking and I found Lahiri Mayasaya to be my example in this lifetime of the householder yogi path that I aspired to.

By 1980 I met a Tibetan Lama who lived in Ashland, Oregon who gave me an about 100 others, 'The Thousand Buddhas Empowerment in Ashland, Oregon on the second story above the now Green Leaf Restaurant, I believe.

When I walked into that Empowerment it took my fear away of being the only one I knew (up to that time) that could potentially alter time and space in a naturally gifted way. Knowing that there were other kind and compassionate beings who could help others in this way allowed my fear of being alone in my gifts to melt away and begin a new and more amazing and less fearful life than before.

There is a saying, "Misery loves company" but in my case "Blessings love company" and so my life entered a new phase which I would begin to call in 1980 "ever increasing Grace" which has continued to expand and to increase to the present day in my life and in the lives of those around me.

It is not that bad or difficult things didn't still happen at times. It was that they were all managed by God and Life in new and more graceful and useful and meaningful ways than before. At least this is my perception of it. And in life I find more and more "Perception is Everything".

So, if you believe you are living in the Grace of God then you are! In this sense life is very simple and wonderful and ever increasing in Bliss and Grace!

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