Monday, May 3, 2010

Consciousness Creates Reality Which Creates Consciousness

I call this the "God Principle" because it permeates life past, present and future. So to say it both at a macrocosmic level and at infinite sizes of microcosmic levels this basic principle of life exists.

So Consciousness creates life which creates consciousness. Consciousness creates the Universe which creates consciousness which creates the universe which creates consciousness on into infinity.

Realizing this basic reality of everything that is physical, mental, emotional IS the basic cause and effect of all life, time and space, every thought everywhere.

Some people get all caught up in which came first the chicken or the egg? But I see that this argument as just being foolish. What is actually important is that this is how the universe operates. And All powerful people understand this one principle. Or should I saw all people of power.

So one can either literally be a God or be a victim of this process every moment microcosmically or macrocosmically. So in any given day one usually is both a God and a victim of this thousands to millions of times or more both as a God and as a victim microcosmically. However, if one can be fully realized then at least at a macrocosmic level one is never a victim but only a God.

This, I believe is what all humans strive for and some achieve. For constantly being only a victim only brings insanity and death but the more you are a God the less you are a victim and we all see this in life as well.

For example, at age 17 I looked around me and said to myself,"I would rather die than live as a victim like some people do." I have lived this motto all my life. It is a constant choice we make. Will we be a victim to the infinite or will we be empowered by the infinite? It is a choice we make every moment, waking and sleeping.

But I see it mostly like a dance we do with the universe. Some call it the "Dance of Shiva". In the East Indian system there is Brama, the Creator then Vishnu, the preserver then Shiva, the Destroyer. So, when they talk about Shiva, the Destroyer they talk about the Dance of Shiva. But it is more a dance about the impermanence of life and of who and what will pass on when and of what will happen next than something to be terrified of like in a western mind perceiving all this. When I was in India there was just much more an acceptance of death than in the U.S. or Europe. In 1985 when I went to India, I found among the common people who could literally die any day and who were often dead on the streets with no one to pick them up or even bury them or cremate them a much more realistic perspective of life and death than I find here in the U.S.

The common people seemed to understand the "Dance of Shiva" and so they seemed to embrace life and be happy with every moment that life gave them. Whereas in the U.S. were I grew up I found people fighting death from the moment of birth and trying to pretend that death would never get them. I have always found that spending one's whole life to be fighting death is an absurd way to live because eventually we all physically die at least in this body we now live in. So, it always seemed to me that one either rejects all life including death or they embrace all life including death because death is just as much a part of life as life is. Otherwise, one just is running from death all their lives and in this that person never can live because they are running and escaping from death and too busy to ever live.

I found the opposite true in India in 1985 among the common people. I found these people living while accepting their deaths and mortality. And in this found a people actually living rather than just running from death. So, for me the worst culture shock was coming home to the U.S. and being horrified by this truth every day.

However, if we truly understand and realize that "Consciousness Creates Reality and Reality Creates Consciousness in a never ending cycle like a wheel spinning on your automobile. So when one half spin goes by you say "Consciousness" and when the other half spins by you say "Reality" in a never ending circular spin. And then you imagine at all mental and physical levels this going on into infinity it can really make one's head spin. But fully experiencing this is incredibly empowering to a person as well as to the lives of everyone and everything they touch in any way all their lives and even after their lives.

Note: My wife who is very sophisticated and has two bachelors degrees and  Master's in Business Administration specializing in Non-Profit Foundations said that unless I tie this to science and to the thinking of someone like Stephen Hawking it is not based upon scientific principles.

However, I'm coming from a slightly different place than that. I'm coming from a place of experimental thought and a lifetime of actual experiences. Most people are not studying their whole lives various religions and philosophies like I have and trying to find the "Secret or Secrets of Life". Though I have had many successes and failures in my search for the truths of life and the secrets of life I find sharing what I have found out that is true is always useful either directly or indirectly. So, just because I'm not formulating what I am writing like I am a college physics professor I still have a right to share my lifetime of experiences with others who may be interested in what I have actually found to be ultimately true  over the last 62 years of my life here on earth.

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