Friday, December 24, 2010

Levels of Truth

If you are over 15 to 20 years of age now we are all familiar with all the stages and levels of truth that we are exposed to throughout our maturation period. If we are lucky we have people around us both as children and as adults that don't incessantly lie to us or manipulate us. However, sometimes it is good for us to be lied to so at least we learn how to deal with it and become less naive and capable of manipulation through lies or half lies. If we continue to be lucky we have grown up around people who have good education and intentions and they share all that is best about who they are and what they know. If we are really lucky we go to a 4 year university and get a Bachelor's or Master's Degree or even a PHd if we want to. But even at that point it doesn't mean we know everything not even in the subject we get a degree in. Everything is constantly changing and there is always more to learn throughout one's life.

Throughout this whole process one learns through many levels of truth. The things one believes as a child under 5 are replaced by the new and ever evolving beliefs of a 5 to 12 year old. And then those beliefs are superseded by the new beliefs learned through both experience and formal education of a teenager. And those beliefs are then superseded by the beliefs and experiences of a 20 something. And if one is lucky this growth of knowledge and experience continues throughout one's life to the point where those listening to the wisdom garnered from such an ongoing growing person also stand on the shoulders of all those who have gone before and learned and shared all that they could learn in their lifetimes. In this way the experience and knowledge of the human race becomes more rich and more varied with each generation. And therefore each generation in it's own way becomes more amazing than the last.

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