Saturday, December 4, 2010

Harry Potter and the Deadly Hallows Part 1

Though I had read the book with my wife and daughter I found the movie  visually stunning with excellent actors and acting but sort of an emotional ordeal for me to witness. I guess if you took the original sweetness of the first Harry Potter Movie and then progressed now to the 7th installment you sort of get a wizarding movie for kids and by the 7th movie you sort of have moved more into what I would call almost a horror genre which is kind of difficult if you didn't see all the movies in between. This doesn't mean that I wouldn't recommend the movie. But I'm not sure I would recommend this movie if you haven't seen one or more of these movies before and hopefully one or more of the most recent ones. Because if you only saw the 1st and 2nd and didn't read any of the books you might be kind of overwhelmed by this movie unless you really like witchy horror movies.

There is a feeling like you have entered purgatory when you watch this movie. So unless you like that kind of feeling you had better psyche up for it if you are going to watch this one. Because it is like that from beginning to end and you also have to deal with one or more of your favorite characters getting seriously wounded or dying.

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