Thursday, April 21, 2011

Obama approves Armed Air Drones in Libya

Obama approves use of armed drone aircraft in Libya conflict

I think if you read the above article by clicking on "Obama approves use" etc.  above you will see that sending armed drones into the Libyan war is upping the ante in this war. Precisely because Drones have only been used as assasination devices for eliminating Taliban Leaders in Northern Pakistan up to this time. So then, the assumption could be made that because civilians are being targeted, Libyan government leaders will (including Qaddhafi?) might be targeted and killed in reaction to the ongoing massacre of Libyan civilians in places like Misrata, Libya and others there in Libya by the Libyan Government run by Qaddhafi.

Though this doesn't put Nato or U.S. troops on the ground it does discourage Libyan government Qaddhafi loyal leaders from participating in the ethnic cleansing (tribally) of certain Libyan tribes not loyal to Qaddhafi at this time by making them realize they and possibly their families might die by hell-fire missile drone strikes now in this new upping of the ante by NATO and the U.S.

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