Saturday, April 2, 2011

Radioactive wild pigs and deer in Southern Germany from Chernobyl

I was reading how wild pigs(especially the ones who eat certain mushrooms) and some wild deer in southern Germany still are too radioactive to eat even today in Germany from the 1986 Chernobyl disaster. Hunters are required by law to go to government officials to see if their carcass(es) of wild pigs or deer is radioactive or not even today.  I wonder if fishermen will have to check their fish in this way from the oceans of Japan still 25 years later. I guess that would be 2036 for Japan. They said the problem with wild animals in Germany was radioactive Cesium. Cesium has already made shellfish and many other fish in the Fukushima area inedible for a long long time into the future.

Here is one of the articles on this:

Germany's radioactive boars a legacy of Chernobyl

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