Sunday, April 19, 2009

Cold War Perspectives

Quote from above web page until title Cold War:Soviet Perspectives
begin quote
The long rule of Leonid Brezhnev (1964-1982) is now referred to in Russia as the "period of stagnation." But the Soviet stance toward the United States became less overtly hostile in the early 1970s. Negotiations between the United States and the Soviet Union resulted in summit meetings and the signing of strategic arms limitation agreements. Brezhnev proclaimed in 1973 that peaceful coexistence was the normal, permanent, and irreversible state of relations between imperialist and Communist countries, although he warned that conflict might continue in the Third World. In the late 1970s, growing internal repression and the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan led to a renewal of Cold War hostility.
end quote.

For me, the most interesting part of the quote was the part that said, "---conflict might continue in the third world."

The full context of the sentence was: begin full sentence quote.
Brezhnev proclaimed in 1973 that peaceful coexistence was the normal permanent, and irreversible state of relations between imperialist and communist countries, although he warned that conflict might continue in the Third World. end full sentence quote.

The "conflict might continue in the third world." is now an understatement of the real facts on the ground.

The real question now might be: "How many hundred years is this conflict between third world nations and the developed nations going to last?"

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