Monday, August 31, 2009

LIfe is an Experiment 8-31-09

At its very best life is an experiment. At its worst it is a mistaken or failed experiment. And people have had all kinds of points of view on this subject since there were what could be called semi men or women on earth. And those who have survived have lived to share their points of view and those that died along the way without sharing their views with their children, siblings or others before they died really haven't had a say in anything that comes after. That's just the way it is.

I was sitting here thinking about my 61 years on earth I found myself depressed. Though I still believe in helping family and friends and people I find coming into my life and needing my help I find that I don't always have in my life what I need to go on living. My wife says it is my own fault but when I delve deeper I might say that the world isn't conducive to the way I might want to live my life so I prefer to be more outwardly polite than I might be if I always said exactly what I thought every moment.

It always comes down to a choice after all. Do you always want to say exactly what you think in every moment and be alone or do you want to learn to say things in a better way and still have people in your life?

This seems to be what each of us faces in life in some way or another. To say exactly what you think in every single moment cannot but drive people away. But to repress every thought and feeling so your life becomes a complete lie every moment, well, what good is that?

So, it seems to me to stay married and to raise your children and to live your life in this way one must always choose to compromise in some way. Because after all, what two people want to be the same place doing the same thing every moment of every day. So, for two or more people to be in any one place or relationship for any length of time compromises must be made. And every day one must think about what is really important in life or the really important things in one's life are lost, sometimes permanently.

So what is the value of your life or mine? Only each of us and God can say about each of our lives. No one else.

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