Sunday, August 22, 2010

Global Climate Change

Both developing and developed countries alike are suffering more and more each year from Global Climate Change extremes. People for a while were trying to call this global warming but I prefer the term Global Climate change. Because in actuality what we are experiencing now regularly everywhere is weather that is sometimes normal but then so extreme either into flood or drought worldwide that no one has ever seen anything like it before. So whether it is floods or Earthquakes or mud slides in China, or floods like never seen before in Pakistan, or heat and fire and burning peat like never seen before in Moscow, or floods and heat in the U.S. or extreme wet weather on the west coast where I live that has streams still running that shouldn't normally be running after April to June, or a host of other strange earthquakes and droughts and floods and melting permafrost releasing methane into the upper atmosphere that ends ozone with water vapor, or whatever it is we are definitely in the middle of Global Climate change.

And the real problem for people everywhere in regard to staying alive and making a living is it is only going to get more extreme the rest of this century and beyond. So, when Stephen Hawking says we only have a limited time to move to another planet before we're all done for here(maybe 200 years) I think we should listen to him.

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