Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Can you Change the Future?

Yes. That's the simple answer. However, in order to change time you have to see what it would have been otherwise. So, in order to change time you have to see your future or the future of everything.

For example, on an almost daily basis I find when I get in my car I will look forward through time to see if there are any potential dangers. Though I have refined my system from when I started doing this as a 16 year old(and as a 10 year old on mini-bikes and motorcycles and before that on bicycles starting at age 5) I still check to see if the future is safe for me to survive.

I'm mostly scanning the future to make sure I keep my body intact. I'm not really concerned about minor scrapes bruises and injuries. I'm only concerned about staying alive and relatively healthy with all pieces of me intact.

Other people who see the future have different techniques but the best one I have found to stay alive an intact is to first look throughout your drive and scan for potential collisions or accidents. If you see one then wait about 5 to 10 minutes before you leave. This usually changes the sequence which usually saves your life and or those of others. Often I will see the car or cars that I avoided collision with.

If, on the other hand your vehicle isn't safe the same method could be used. Only you would be drawn to sense what part of your vehicle might fail. The most likely are always tires, front tie-rod and brake lines. So what I do is to simplify it by just asking the vehicle car, plane, truck, boat telepathically if they will get me to my destination safely. Since I have found literally everything is sentient it will know and tell you if you will be safe on this journey. It will tell you telepathically. I have never been lied to by any kind of vehicle.

Let me tell you of a very interesting story about this. My wife and I and then 3 year old daughter were flying from Palm Springs Airport in California to San Jose Airport(also in California). Before we boarded the passenger plane I asked it telepathically if it was going to crash on this trip. It said, "NO. You will be safe on this trip but there will be turbulence." This is what it said so it prepared me for what was coming.

As we began to land into San Jose Airport I looked out the right window and saw a plane. As a pilot who has soloed in a Cessna 152 I knew this could be dangerous. I remarked to a passenger across the isle about this and he said somewhat ominously, "There's a plane out the opposite window too. Now I was really worried because our plane had nowhere to go in an emergency. Sure enough, a few moments later our passenger commuter jet went straight up like a rocket ship. People started screaming and throwing up all over the plane. My wife turned to me since I am an intuitive and asked with a scared expression on her face, "Are we going to die?" I said, "No. The plane told me there would be turbulence but no crash or deaths." After flying straight up for as long as the plane could go without stalling out of the sky it leveled off and landed safely. The plane told me the truth. I have learned to always trust what vehicles tell me. The only people not freaked out on the plane were me, my wife and daughter.

I was thinking about another angle to all this in regard to people. People are very difficult, not because I don't always know what they want. But knowing what people want does not have much relevancy on what people will actually do. The reason for this is cultural and gender conditioning and whether that person can still be considered sane after this conditioning has occurred. So, especially when most people are traveling they are either scared or concerned or both regarding their safety and well being. So, people while traveling may be predictable in groups but not individually.

The reason for this is that often their cultural conditioning is directly opposite to what they might want to be thinking or doing. So, often these kinds of cultural conditioning make people ill while traveling or at home. So, though I always know whether a person wants to be someplace or not and I always know whether that person is scared or not the more deeply that person's cultural or gender conditioning is the less likely I or anyone can predict that persons actions individually. However, in a group situation tribe or mob consciousness takes over and people then are usually very predictable within that group.

So, predicting whether you are safe or not while traveling has more to do with whether you are familiar with the culture you are traveling in and the dynamic you are presently in.

For example, you might be traveling this summer to someplace exotic that you have never been before. But by being out of place you might be in danger simply because you don't understand what is happening where you are or even the language or even body language used in that culture. So, in that case you might be like a child in that culture even though you are an adult where you live now simply because you don't know enough to safely be where you are traveling.

One of the ways you can protect yourself is to say telepathically to the bodies of the people around you(not the people who inhabit the bodies but only the bodies)"Do you have any intention to harm me?" Now as a caveat here many people might have the intention to harm you or steal from you but won't do it because they are afraid so one must separate out the ones who might from the ones who will.

Whenever I sense someone who will harm me or my family when traveling I don't usually make a big deal of it. I don't walk near where they are and if I'm renting a car I quickly take my family to our rental car and leave. If I'm walking and see someone like this I go quickly on public transportation or go to my hotel room or whatever I can do to separate myself from someone who could be a threat to me and my family.

It is very important to not act weak or fearful at any point because that will only bring out the hunter-victim mentality of bestiality in that person. Just like one does around Bears and mountain lions in the wild(I have had both of these experiences) one does not act weak. One acts powerful and leaves if possible and doesn't run unless there is no other option. NO. One walks powerfully and threateningly away from this person acting in complete control if possible.

I have found as a life long intuitive that the more intense the experience (good or bad) the more important it is to be very observant because intensity of an experience can often lead to unpredictable outcomes. So Surviving intense good or bad experiences must be your primary concern in ANY intense situation if you want to survive it. Because when a situation becomes physically or supernaturally intense, often the best way to come out okay is to be extremely observant while dampening back your emotions in order to stay clear and focused like a warrior.

Since I have had to do this many many times in my life I have gotten very good at this.

But the best way I have found generally in life is to maintain a feeling of kindness to all beings always. For as the Tibetans say, "Friends become enemies and enemies become friends." Since this is true throughout ones life and lifetimes it behooves us all to be equally kind to everyone in our enlightened self interest as a soul traveling through time.

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