Saturday, July 25, 2009

Dangerous Tactics

The latest Taliban/Osama bin Laden tactics being used in Afghanistan and probably soon in Pakistan and likely we will see these same tactics used against Iran and China within 20 years.

Why this is dangerous is it is a combined attack of suicide bombers with fighters with Kalashnikov rifles who move in as quickly as the bodies of the suicide bomber fly apart and massacre everyone left there as they did with the suicide attack on the government buildings in Afghanistan this week. This is relatively inexpensive and steals headlines away from billions spent by western coalition forces and creates psychological havoc worldwide through the news.

The only real effective tool that the west has is to educate the populations of Afghanistan and Pakistan for now of just how crazy and insane the Taliban/Osama bin Laden group really are. Education is now the best weapon to create a lasting peace and sanity in that region. Otherwise, it will spread into Iran by Sunni/Osama bin Laden terrorists and eventually into China too in the Islamic areas over time. Education and a real western Military type of presence is the two pronged way to get this under control. I agree with General Petraeus and what he said this week.

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