Thursday, July 30, 2009

Organic Food Healthier

This article above is both stupid and misleading. It is obviously a study done by growers of sprayed foods who don't want you to buy organic. The questions they seem to be asking are really crazy too. They are asking of food grown organically is healthier than sprayed foods and just testing the quality of the food. Well grown food is grown food is grown food as long as the soil is about the same the food will be the same. The whole point of eating organic food is to not have pesticide or herbicide residue in ones food to build up deposits in one's body or one's children's body over the years and contribute to various kinds of ill health like various kinds of cancers that have been proved to be linked to the slow taking on of pesticide residue and herbicide residue that deposits itself into one's body as they consume pesticide or herbicide laden(usually both) vegetables or processed food that has been sprayed at some point along the way.

The whole point of organic food from my point of view is to prevent unnecessary cancer and permanent damage to the nervous system and permanent genetic damage to whole lines of people and animals. Also, any meat that you consume that has been fed by sprayed foods will also have the pesticides and herbicides concentrated into the cells of the meat you eat too.

So, eating organic has to do primarily with preventing human and animal illnesses and making sure you can successfully reproduce on into the future and so you and your children can continue on into the thousands of years into the future genetically.

It is not about whether one food is more healthy than another. They are all about equal if the soil and water sources are equal and if the seeds are equal. It is about you and your children staying alive and not dying of various health problems that are unnecessary.

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