Thursday, May 14, 2009

9-11 Wars Major Cause of Global Downturn

When the Viet Nam War ended strangely in 1974 it began a slow economic slide for the United States because we had gone from the major creditor nation in the world since World War II to the major debtor nation in the world. Unemployment peaked in 1981 and 1982 around 9.6% nationally because of this. At that time I didn't understand that the United States would be financially propped up by the rest of the world and thought we were going through an economic collapse like the Great Depression again. I was wrong at that and very glad of it.

At that time people were very open about how the Viet Nam War had destroyed America financially. It is very strange to me that this same kind of honesty isn't present in America today. For to me, looking at the situation, it looks like we went from a creditor nation after World War II to a debtor nation after the Viet Nam War to a basically Bankrupt nation(being so far in debt we may not be able to pull out of it within 10 years).

If I look to the main cause of it it is completely obvious to me that it is the 9-11 wars (Iraq, Afghanistan and now a civil War in Pakistan). We couldn't financially afford any of these wars without bankrupting our nation but we did it anyway because that is what we were used to doing as a nation. But it is much like a guy who has mortgaged all his property to the hilt and now only has credit cards left. At some point it all comes crashing down. I don't know when that point will be but Osama Bin Laden and the World military industrial complex may have this time killed the goose that lays the Golden Eggs(the United States economy).

We are in three wars but never really could afford any of them anymore but are pretending we can because we just don't know what else to do. We are facing this time a really crazy asymetric army of rag tag idealists who wish to destroy everything but don't know what they are going to do until everything is destroyed.

So basically, we are fighting people that want to take us all back to the stone age and who are willing to commit suicide by the thousands to do it and don't worry about civilian casualties on any side. The fate of world civilization is at stake. Not only the United States but also Europe, North and South America, and all of Asia and Africa this time. Add Global Climate change and it makes me wonder if ANY civilization at all will come out the other end of all this craziness.

Whatever is coming I don't think we've seen it before in recorded history.

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