Monday, October 18, 2010

Bread was around 30,000 years ago

New clues to ancient humans' eating habits

Click on "New Clues" above to read full news article from Yahoo News.

begin quote from above news article.

LONDON (Reuters Life!) – Starch grains found on 30,000-year-old grinding stones suggest that prehistoric man may have dined on an early form of flat bread, contrary to his popular image as primarily a meat-eater.
The findings, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) journal on Monday, indicate that Paleolithic Europeans ground down plant roots similar to potatoes to make flour, which was later whisked into dough. end quote.

This is quite an advance in thinking. If bread in some form was available 30,000 years ago in Europe. Was this true throughout the then civilized world?

People often think people's were stuck in one place. But sailing ships existed likely back that far as well. And it is theoretically possible that trading ships could carry the advances from one culture to another by ship or camel or even by horseback all over earth(albeit slowly).

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