Tuesday, August 24, 2010

77 degrees Fahrenheit 9pm Northern California Beach

For a southern California Beach in the summertime this would be normal but for a northern California beach after the coldest foggiest summer I can remember in the last 15 years or so at the beach, 77 degrees Fahrenheit at 9 pm is pretty much unheard of. For example, the weather report for that same beach tomorrow has the High being lower than the temperature at 9 pm. So other than the water being about 20 degrees too cold it was like being in Hawaii with the one day after full moon with kids gigling as they waded in the water to stay cool this night.

The hottest place in southern California that I can find tonight is 96 degrees Fahrenheit in Palm Springs at 9:45 pm right now.

After highs of between 55 and 65 degrees Fahrenheit because of constant high and low fog since June this is a welcome relief of seeing the sun all day (at least one day) and having more warm weather like we start to get in the fall here.  Mark Twain once said, "The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco".

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