Monday, January 24, 2011

For All Natural Precognitive Psychics

Growing up gifted in this way is always both a good and a bad thing at once like many gifts one can be born with. So, the first thing one must do is to survive to about 30 years old while still being a natural precognitive psychic.

The good things about it is that you can often save your own life or others (if they will listen to you). The bad thing about it is you can often sense coming disasters or injuries or deaths of people. And sometimes you can do nothing to stop those injuries or deaths and there is nothing you can do about it but pray if that is your inclination.

My particular experience for the last 62 years of my life is that it is often like I have a book that God Wrote of the future. But there is only every 10th page for me to read. So I know a lot about what is coming but not the full details, just bits and pieces that don't always make a lot of sense to me until the moment of truth when things actually start happening. So, if you are a kind and good person like myself you help save all the lives you can of those who will listen to you as well as your life and the lives of family and friends who are most used to you knowing things before they happen because they have 1st hand knowledge of what you have already foreseen in their lives. So, this also is both good and bad because sometimes it might make them or you uncomfortable that you know these things before they happen.

Then there are others who have to rationalize away by one means or another that you know anything before it happens and it is good just to let them. Because your abilities don't fit within their belief system whether that belief includes God or not. So, mostly just let people believe what they need to. Scaring people unnecessarily with the truth unless it might save their life isn't useful at all.

So, the hardest part of growing up a natural precognitive psychic is just learning to live with it. And it usually takes until one is in their late 20s to early 30s before there is anything that makes a lot of sense regarding it.

For me in my own personal life my worst decades (that I also foresaw before they happened) were my 20s and my 40s. If you have studied Tibetan Buddhism like I have Lamas often say many people die around 49 because this appears to be a very difficult year to survive. I, also almost died for about 8 months just after I turned 50 and this forced me to retire during and after this event.

So, just like many things in life one has to learn to survive one's abilities and the most useful thing I can say is be very patient with yourself because people like us enabled the human race to survive when we were all tribal to get to the point where we built cities and so on. Without people like us around always there would be no human race now at all because we would already be extinct. So this ability is one of the abilities that allows the human race to survive anything as long as some of us can see the future before it happens and because of this save the human race from extinction. It is my belief that this is what God intended for us to do always.

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