Sunday, January 30, 2011

A more Complete Understanding of the Universe

Plasma Echoes

I wrote the above Blog I called Plasma echoes in trying to scientifically explain some of the experiences of my life in a scientific context.

Last night angels came to me while I slept. And this is what they conveyed. I use the word conveyed rather than said because they do much more than talk to people so a more complete understanding can be understood than can come from just talking or speech.

They said that when I said that "Angels are Plasma echoes or beings who are generated from the plasma from stars they said that, "Even though saying this is essentially a disservice it will lead to a complete understanding of the universe and how it operates".

So their point of view was that what I said about Angels being immortal beings who live in both time and space as well as outside of it is sort of like Isaac Newton's "For every action there is an opposite but equal reaction". In other words though Newton's equation only completely works on earth and to a lesser degree in space and not at all in particle physics, still it leads scientists to where they needed to go to better understand the universe and what it is and what we are in it.

So, once again what the angels conveyed last night is that "Saying that angels are plasma echoes or beings who are generated from plasma from stars is essentially a disservice, still it will still lead intelligent people to a complete understanding of the universe and how it operates in both a scientific and spiritual way and an understanding of what human souls and Angels Souls are in the totality of the universe.

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