Sunday, January 30, 2011

Black Holes Not affected by Dark Matter

Blog - Black Holes Not Affected by Dark Matter, Say Astrophysicists

This completely agrees with my own theory which is that Dark Matter is actually Matter and antimatter combined in its natural form. So this would agree with my experience which is that matter and antimatter are like two electrical poles, whereas dark matter is the combination of the two. So, an example of of what I'm talking about would be that dark matter would be like the positive and negative poles of electricity in alternating current before you turned the electrical generator on. And once you turned the generator on Matter would be one pole and antimatter would be the other.

Though I can see this clearly as an intuitive and because of this it is very common sense to me I find it very difficult to usefully describe this in intellectual or scientific terms. It would be like trying to explain a gasoline engine to someone who has never seen one or even seen a car. Very difficult.

I find it very frustrating at times to know things before most other people do and not be able to explain it scientifically "Why" I know these things. But, fortunately or unfortunately (depending upon your point of view) I often do know things before they happen all the time.

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