Thursday, April 21, 2011

Privacy Then and Now

When I grew up in the 1950s privacy was sacrosanct. What you did, where you went, what you thought, all that was sacrosanct and protected as private as long as you weren't hurting anyone. However, now all that appears to have changed. Tendrils of government Big Brother technologies right out of the book "1984" extend themselves into almost every aspect of our lives. Most of what happens in our lives is either recorded somewhere, or there is  GPS record of it on our phones, Unencrypted by the way, for criminals and anyone else who wants to harm us or kill us or who is just some sick peeping Tom so they can follow us and where we have been every second, every day waking and sleeping.

It would be bad enough if it was just the CIA, FBI, and every other secret agency on earth keeping tabs on literally everyone. But it is beyond that to a really scary degree. It's enough to make a person throw away their smartphone, Ipad, Ipod, Iphone, laptop etc. and move to somewhere without any cell signals or wifi or GPS receivers. There are still places like this by the way.

So, all our electronic toys and communication devices are also the death of each one of us. This is something to really think about. the slippery slope and where does it eventually lead? And is there any freedom or even people who are alive by any definition at the end of this road we all are on.. ? It's not too late to bail out now before it is too late. Think about it.

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