Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Paradox of Globalization

It outsources almost all the jobs of the developed nations to the less developed nations. Then like in China now some employees with outsourced jobs like at Foxcomm in China are so mistreated and are without rights to such a degree that they jump off the tops of their buildings and dormitories to commit suicide because of being pushed too hard for too long. And then in the long run because of all the outsourced jobs that suck the marrow out of the developed countries like the U.S. , Canada, and Europe and Japan to the point where tax bases collapse and governments collapse with no tax base over time. This then tends to create anarchy long term in the developed nations. This is the world we presently live in.

And so, here in the United States we are not really facing a new Great Depression we are facing a "Creative Destruction" of our way of life because of Globalization ongoing caused movement toward an anarchic state because of the (permanent?) losses of tax bases and potential long term deflation.

But on the positive side of Globalization we also have the benefits. Wikipedia(the world's largest online collaborative Encyclopedia), Ubuntu, (the absolutely free PC operating system for those who can't afford to buy and operating system), and things like Facebook, EBay,, Netflix etc. etc. etc.

So, the benefits could potentially outweigh the negatives in the long run if we all work very hard to create a better "Open Sourced" collaborative world.

In a way you and I might be collaborating right now to create this BETTER "Open Sourced" globalized world that we all just might be able to stand to live in right now.

For example, as the nation states naturally collapse from the death of their tax bases caused directly from outsourcing of U.S. Corporate and Company Jobs, worldwide collaborative governmental systems can be created by all of us online to take the place of all the nation states dying from Globalized outsourcing from all developed nations. With no tax base because of outsourcing no nation can afford to do much of anything for long. (This mainly applies to the middle class and the poor). This doesn't apply to the rich worldwide who either own globalized companies or who own a lot of stock in globalized companies. But in order for the world to not just turn into a corporate fascist state the way the developed world is going now, something else must be added to the mix. And I'm asking all of you to think of ways so that the masses don't just all starve to death or kill each other over bags of donated food worldwide during this process worldwide.

We must develop ways for the middle class to survive worldwide during these times. Without a strong worldwide middle class the whole world economic system can only collapse into anarchy and revolution. So I'm asking all of you to try to think of ways to keep this whole worldwide society from exploding or imploding into complete chaos during the next 50 to 100 years during this extreme transition for Global societies.

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